I have a hard time dealing with others

I have a hard time dealing with others

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Being an American is not biting off more than you can chew but biting off more anyway because the govt. will chew it for you

Yes. Another rant on our economy. As I happily put in an offer tonight on a foreclosed home I like to reflect back on a different time. It was a hot Dallas summer in 2007. I was doing my L.A. internship for a design group in Grapevine TX. We were busy, very busy. Who wasn't busy? It was one of the biggest housing booms in history and any designer, developer, construction company, lumber co. etc.. was working overtime to meet this demand.
" What demand?" Asks the imbecile.
The demand of irresponsible people. A snow ball effect that is now half way down the mountain and probably 2/3 the size of the mountain it rolls on. We will call this mountain 'Payday Loans,' I like to use this name since the whole payday loan store front is just that, a front for loan sharking. The mortgage companies and banks loan sharked people for homes they could not afford. They gambled. Lost real bad too.
Lets visit margin buying. I can buy securities with cash borrowed from a broker, using my other securities as collateral. The net value, i.e. the difference between the value of the securities and the loan, is initially equal to the amount of one's own cash used. This is to protect the broker against a fall in the value of the securities to the point that they no longer cover the loan. This is my point. The banks loaned money with no insurance. Now the government is spending our tax dollars, no wait, our great grandkids tax money (which they will be slaves to the chineese) to bail them out.
Lesson for the decade: Don't worry about your actions, someone will cover them for you.

Nevertheless, I am responsible and with that plan to capitalize on those that weren't by purchasing a home far below market value. What goes on around me with helping the homeless will continue despite my complaints and concerns. The best solution is to move on and find a way to place yourself on the top.

Cycling: I love to ride my bicycle because it keeps my mind off of the world around me. Funny thing is that most people vote and create opinions without knowing anything at all.

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