I have a hard time dealing with others

I have a hard time dealing with others

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Finished Wood Project

Why is font confused with typeface? Is our culture so lazy that instead of correcting ourselves we just change the meaning of things? Max Miedinger in 1957 invented Helvetica while seeking to develop a new sans-serif typeface. His aim was to develop a new typeface with great clarity that could be used on any form of signage. Fifty two years later this is the typeface you see on just about everything you read. Thanks Max, heres to you.

I am bothered by what our new President thinks is appropriate to do with detainees at Guantanamo. These people are not subject to constitutional rights, they are prisoners of war which fall under the Geneva Convention not American citizens with Constitutional rights, get it straight. Whats funny is that for the terrorists that were captured not in uniform lose the rights of which are stated in the Convention.
The best story the liberal media loves to share with all of those addicted to the coverage is that of a 15 year old Canadian. Well, 15 at the time of capture. He was so poorly mistreated at Guantanamo, told he cant contact his family, abused, scared, etc. He just wanted to go home to mommy and daddy. Fuck him. That piece of shit killed some of our American soldiers when he threw a grenade. He is a terrorist. Oh yeah, in the battle the took place after his move he was badly wounded. With that he was taken prisoner of war and nursed back to health. Personally I would have liked to hear that he died, but that is my flesh speaking. In reality it is good that he was saved, not only to pay for his crimes, but to give him the chance to seek eternal salvation. Back to the topic, Obama is pretty damn stupid to let these people go. Hell, let them free here in the U.S. so that they can continue terrorist operations here in our home. It's always easier to beat the shit out of your enemy when they are within arms reach.

This only shows how the devil is everywhere. He attempted to instill hate in me as I wrote the last paragraph. I dont hate, I just wish people would pull there heads out of there asses and educate thereselves so that they arent just part of the flock led into the fire.

Oooh, another good thought, global warming. We are on a cooling trend and have been since the late 90s. Al Gore can find another way to scare the hell out of people.


Yesterday was 3 hours endurance. It was nice riding into the NW, which was also into the wind, because that part of the county is mostly republican.
Apparently it wore me out pretty good because this morning while doing anaerobic intervals I was really digging deep to get them done. I am feeling sore now. Maybe I should blame someone and expect a better cyclist to do my workouts for me from now on. I wont though. That is not how I work.

Friday morning mountain bike ride is 8 hours away so I need to wrap this up. Ryan Lenhart is a great partner to ride with. He is actually the only person I can ride dirt trails with, everyone else sucks too much for it to be fun.

God Bless our troops.

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